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Beenham Primary School

Valuing ourselves. Valuing everybody.

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Updated: 29th August 2024



We currently have vacancies for governors.

If you’d like the chance to make a real difference to young people, we’d welcome you on our team!

Please contact the Chair of Governors at if you’d like to join us.


James Tobin – Chair – Co-Opted Governor, and also a parent

Finance governor and link governor for ICT.

Term of office ends 20/09/2026


Our family moved to Beenham in 2015, and our son joined Beenham Primary after attending the Pre-school. An appealing factor of moving to the village was the chance for our son to learn and develop in a more rural location.


I believe that community is very important, so I approached the school to become a governor so that I could help in any way to contribute to the success of the school.


I have a background in IT for over 17 years, and I currently work at Salesforce

focussing on how IT applications can solve business challenges. I have a passion for IT/gadgets and I’m hoping that I can come up with new ideas for technology in the school to help inspire our children.


I will also be helping with any IT challenges that the school may face in the future.


Vicky Thirkell -  Vice Chair - Co opted Governor

Link governor for wellbeing.

Term of office ends 01/12/2026


I moved to the local area with my husband in December 2021. 

Now that all of our house renovations are almost complete, I have turned my attention to getting more involved in the local community and a school governor position is always something I have had an interest in. 

I attended a village school in Cheshire, and I loved my primary school. I personally understand and appreciate how school can have such a huge impact on a child’s future and I hope that I can make a positive contribution to the school.

My professional background is in HR and Leadership. 

Hopefully my passion and professional experience can help contribute to the continued success of Beenham Primary School.


Sophie McBean – Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher


I have been a teacher at Beenham since September 2020.


I studied for a PGCE at Oxford Brookes which gave me exposure to many different school environments; I was drawn to Beenham Primary School because of its community feel and strong values education.


I have a background in psychology and mental health and work to promote the social and emotional development of children alongside their academic development. I also believe that fun and creativity are vital aspects of learning both in and out of the classroom!


I am looking forward to working as part of the governing body and progressing the school and the experience we offer our pupils and their families.


Alison Cook – Co opted Governor


Term of office ends 16/07/2025

I moved to Beenham Village in 2002, to join my now husband. 

I have long been a supporter of Beenham School with all three of our sons and three nephews each attending. 

Prior to this, my husband and his brothers., having moved to Beenham in the mid 80’s were also students at the school. 

Before relocating to Beenham, I worked in Telecommunications when mobile phones existed with two networks and four tariffs. During this time, I gained valuable  experience in managerial roles  in customer care, recruitment and training. 

In 2004 we had our first son and I dedicated the next 12 years to raising our children on a full time basis, before joining Beenham Preschool offering 1:1 support in 2016 and running the “Active Am” exercise programme at the Pre-School and also in the Primary School at that time.  I am now Deputy Manager and Deputy DSL and continue to develop my knowledge and interest in education through training and experience. 

I have always enjoyed personal fitness, and I now lead the physical development  element of the curriculum at Beenham Preschool. I truly believe that all children should be encouraged and given the opportunity and support to find a fitness activity that they can enjoy and excel in. 

I am passionate  about education and I recognise the value of smaller village schools such as Beenham, not only for what they can offer the families attending but also their wider role in the village community.  

Stephen Wallace - Parent Governor

Term of office ends 12/10/2027

I have lived in Padworth with my family since 2016. My eldest daughter very much enjoys learning at the school while my youngest currently goes to the neighbouring pre-school. My knowledge of the school goes a lot further back. Both my wife and I grew up locally and several of our school friends attended Beenham Primary, many of whom have their names on the commemorative bricks inside the building. 


As a parent governor I have a strong interest in seeing the school maintain its recent successes while helping Beenham to grow over the coming years.


I have enjoyed a career Marketing over the past ten years having studied for a degree in journalism. Having worked at nearby Bradfield College since 2014 I have gained strong knowledge in both governance and safeguarding within education which I hope will help me succeed here at Beenham.

Graham Carr -Co-opted Governor

Term of office ends 7/12/2027

Bio to follow.

Bev Sharp – Staff Governor

Term of office ends 09/05/2028


I have lived in the beautiful village of Beenham since 2008.


Both of my children attended Beenham Primary School and have flourished as individuals due to the exceptional start that Beenham provided.


I joined the staff team in 2013 and feel very lucky to work alongside some wonderful, dedicated colleagues who work incredibly hard to provide a great learning experience for the pupils. We are very lucky to utilise our vast outdoor space so the children have lot's of experiences in and outside of the classroom.


I am looking forward to supporting and contributing to the governing body to make sure our school can continue to grow.                





Clerk – Emma Smith

Having been the Clerk to the Governors at Beenham Primary School a few years ago, I happily returned to the role in September 2021.

I think the work governors do to help their school is so important. It is always wonderful to see a collection of people from different backgrounds come together and work collectively. I am happy to be part of a team which always has children’s best interests as their priority.

