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Beenham Primary School

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Tala Class

Welcome to Tala class!


Tala Class Teacher: Miss Alsey

Tala Class Teaching Assistants: Ms Saint and Miss Lee


Our Spring term topic is Long Ago. 

This project teaches children about how they have grown and changed since they were babies and how life in the past was different from today.


Science - Winter Wonderland

This project teaches children about the changes that happen during winter, including the types of weather associated with winter. It also explores places that have snow all year round and the types of animals that live there.


Science - Signs of Spring

This project teaches children about the changes that happen during the spring, including weather and the festivals that are celebrated at this time of year.


Design and Technology - Puppets

This project teaches children about the skills needed to make their own puppets based on a fairytale character. 


History – School Days

This project teaches children about schools in the Victorian Era. 


Art and Design - Still Life

This project teaches children about the work of significant still life artists and still life techniques. They explore a wide variety of still lifes and learn about the use of colour and composition. They create still life arrangements and artwork.


PSHE - Dreams and Goals

In this project, children will learn about having high aspirations. They will start by discussing positive views

of themselves and will then identify how having a positive learning attitude can help them tackle and achieve new learning challenges and improve learning outcomes. Children will also have the opportunity to discuss what they are looking forward to about their learning next year.


PSHE - Healthy Me


In this project, children will explore choices that they can make about looking after their bodies. The lessons look at key areas where children can make safer choices: their body, sleep and exercise, diet, cleanliness and substances. Children will learn facts about each of these areas and learn strategies to manage them. The message of choice and consent runs through the unit and children are encouraged to get help from trusted adults when necessary.



In Tala class, children in reception and KS1 are taught maths separately. 

These are our maths topics for the autumn term. 


Mass and capacity

Growing 6, 7, 8 

Length, height and time

Building 9 and 10

Explore 3-D shapes


Addition and subtraction (within 100)

Multiplication and division

Length and height




In English, KS1 and Reception are taught separately. 

KS1 English:

Little Red Reading Hood by Lucy Rowland

Toys in the Past (report writing)


Drawing Club:

What's in the witch's kitchen

Three Billy Goats Gruff



Pirate Pete

Chicken Licken

