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Beenham Primary School

Valuing ourselves. Valuing everybody.

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School Values

At Beenham Primary School we pride ourselves on building positive relationships with everyone within the local school community.


We treat each other with mutual respect and work in a climate where openness, trust and inclusion lay the foundations for our Values to be built upon.

The Dalai Lama said:

Developing compassion you feel much happier within—more calm, more peaceful—and other people respond to that. Through anger, real peace, friendship, and trust are impossible, but through love we can develop understanding, unity, friendship, and harmony — this is valuable.

Our school values underpins all aspects of school life and gives staff and children the opportunity to discuss and reflect on the values in life that they believe in. It is our values that determine our thinking and behaviour and the way in which we interpret the world around us.


We aim to help children learn the art of reflection and questioning to enable them to make sense of the world around them. We teach them to be understanding and solution focussed rather than judging others and getting cross. By the time children leave Beenham Primary School, they understand that values are important if people in our society are going to live happily together, in peace and harmony.


Our school enables children to:


  • be happy and feel loved and cared for
  • be confident and have a high self esteem
  • live in a climate of delight and positivity
  • be highly successful in their own right
  • be truly creative
  • make a difference to the world through who and how they are
  • develop good relationships with a wide range of people
  • develop a maturity of thinking
  • experience the thrill of and a thirst for learning
  • have self respect and behave responsibly
  • be resilient and learn through being able to overcome challenges


We focus on a set of 6 core Values: Confidence, Independence, Cooperation, Care, Responsibility and Resilience.  

Each core value has a positive affirmation linked to it to help the children apply it in everyday life.

Confidence - I am enough.

Independence - I take care of myself.

Cooperation - I contribute.

Care - I am a good friend.

Responsibility - I am responsible for my actions.

Resilience - I never give up.


We also use values to guide us in our learning and look for every opportunity in our topics to find out about values in the context of the wider world, and also to practice them in context. 


 At the end of each half term one child in the school is chosen by the staff to receive the values certificate of the term for demonstrating the value that has been focused on throughout that term.






