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Torak Class

Welcome to Torak Class!


Class Teachers: Miss Denham

Teaching Assistant: Ms Saint and Mrs Paxford


Our topic for the summer term is: Ancient Civilisations



This project teaches children about the history of three of the world’s first ancient civilisations: ancient Sumer, ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley civilisation. Children will learn about the rise, life, achievements, and eventual end of each civilisation.




           We will be reading " Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll”


The mysterious package holds the key to a story . . . about a king whose tomb archaeologists are desperately hunting for. Lil and her friends must embark on an incredible journey - to return the package to its resting place, to protect those they love, and to break the deadly pharaoh's curse . . .

In Summer Term 1 and 2, we will also be learning:


English: Narrative Mystery, Diary, Narrative Myth

Maths: Decimals, Mass, Capacity, Money, Time, and Statistics

Science: Electrical Circuits and Conductors

Art: Statues, Statuettes and Figurines and Islamic Art

D & T: Tomb Builders

PSHE: Dreams and Goals

R.E: Shabbat and Eid ul-Adha










Class Information

