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Tundra Class

Welcome to Tundra Class!


Tundra Class Teacher: Miss McBean

Tundra Class Teaching Assistant: Ms Wheeler


Our topic for the summer term is: Britain at War




In the Britain at War project, Tundra will learn about the main causes of the First World War and which countries were the major players. We will investigate why so many men volunteered to fight and then sequence the events at the start of the war. Using various sources of evidence, Tundra will learn about life in the trenches and the consequences of new weaponry. We will also discover the events that led to the Allied Powers’ victory and the consequences of the Treaty of Versailles.


Tundra will also learn about the causes and main events of the Second World War. We will find out how Britain prepared itself for war and the war’s impact on civilian life. We will learn about the Battle of Britain and how it proved to be a key turning point for the Allied Powers. We will also hear about Anne Frank and discover what her story tells us about the treatment of Jewish people by the Nazi Party. We will research the causes and consequences of the end of the Second World War and investigate the legacy of the wars in Britain. Tundra will also investigate the legacy of these global conflicts in the post-war period.



Other learning for this term:

English - Narrative poetry, based on "Moth: An Evolution Story" by Isabel Thomas; Letter-writing, based on the short-film "The Christmas Truce"

Maths - Converting units; Perimeter and area; Statistics; Negative numbers

Science - Inheritance and evolution

PSHE - Relationships

Computing - Radio Station

RE - Islam: Lailat al Miraj

D&T - Make, do and mend

PE - Cricket

