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Beenham Primary School

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Tundra Class

Welcome to Tundra Class!


Tundra Class Teacher: Mr Bell-Barrett

Tundra Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Paxford


Our topic for the spring term is: Sow, Grow, Farm




During the Sow, Grow, Farm project, children in Tundra class will learn about the geography of Britain, with a focus on arable and pastoral farming. The children will learn about modern farming, associated issues, use maps to learn about land use in the UK and develop an understanding of where our food comes from. The class will also be taking charge of their own allotment in the village where they will be sowing and growing their own food and flowers, lining up with our science learning about living things and their habitats.


Other learning for this term:

English - Narratives, persuasive pitches and biographies

Maths - Fractions, decimals and percentages

Science - Animals including humans and living things and their habitats

PSHE - Dreams and Goals

RE - Judaism and Sikhism

Art - Lines, Light and Shadows

French - Basic greetings and questions

Music - Learning to play the recorder, Soundtracks


