Late/Absence Procedures
The school places great importance on high levels of attendance. To achieve the expected standard in the curriculum, a pupil has to cover all of the expectation for their year group. Repeated absence means that children miss learning and this time cannot be caught up. This impacts directly on their grades at the end of the year.
We try to encourage resilience in children and advise that they only take time off if they are feeling very poorly or have a virus that can be caught by others.
As a parent/carer it is your responsibility to notify the school on each day of absence for your child, by calling the school office on 0118 9713397. You may also email the office to notify us at
Medical/Dental appointments
We ask that routine medical, dental and ophthalmic appointments are made in advance where possible, to enable you to book an after school slot or an appointment in the school holidays. If an appointment in school time is unavoidable, please provide your son or daughter’s appointment card/letter from the doctor/dentist in order to authorise the absence during school hours. We will ask all parents to provide this information
Parents need to be aware that pupils arriving late to school can impact learning, core learning of Phonics and Reading are the first lessons of each day.
Holidays in term time
Beenham does not authorise holidays in term time in line with other schools in the West Berkshire locality. In exceptional circumstances should you need to take your son/daughter out of school for any reason then please ask for a meeting with the headteacher.