Pupil Premium
We have been asked by the local authority and this government to report on the progress of our children in many different ways. Those children eligible for free school meals, from forces families or looked after children, make up a group that they are particularly interested in. Additional funding has been provided to schools to ensure the best possible opportunities for these children. It is called Pupil Premium Funding.
The intended effect of this funding is to accelerate progress, raise attainment and support the pupils in the participation of activities in the wider curriculum.
Schools decide how the allocated Pupil Premium Funding should be spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for these pupils. All schools are required to report on the amount of funding received, how this is being allocated and the impact of any additional support or provision.
We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all pupils in school.
We ensure that appropriate provision is made for PPG pupils, this includes ensuring social and emotional needs are also adequately assessed and addressed.
We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially and emotionally disadvantaged belong to the PPG groups. We meet the needs of these pupils from an alternative funding stream.
Pupil premium grant funding will be allocated following a needs analysis of each identified PPG pupil.
We monitor and evaluate our Pupil Premium spending, avoid spending it on activities that have little impact on achievement, and spend it in ways known to be most effective.
If you think your child may be eligible for Pupil Premium Funding there is a very simple process. All you need is your name, address, date of birth and NI number and then you can apply online;
www.westberks.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals or you can call 01635 42400.
Pupil Premium Grant Planned Spends and Reviews
If you would like more information please ask in either school office or ask to speak to our Headteacher or Pupil Premium Lead. We are very happy to help with your application.
For further information on the Pupil Premium, please follow this link: