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Beenham Primary School

Valuing ourselves. Valuing everybody.

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The PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association) exists to provide closer links between home and school, bringing staff parents and friends together in support of the school.


All families are automatically members of the school PTFA when their child joins the school.


All events are planned to raise money for agreed fundraising goals, with the added bonus of having a brilliant time.

The PTFA run their events with the help and support of parents and other volunteers, in the run up to and during events. Every little helps, just an hour at an event, or during planning, could make all the difference.


If you are interested in volunteering (even just as a one-off) please get in touch by person, by email, via the school office, or through the Facebook page; there is no minimum commitment.

You can also contact the committee directly by email:

