Computing at Beenham Primary School
At Beenham Primary School, we recognise computing as an important part of a 21st century child’s skill set. We aim to equip our pupils to enable them to problem solve and use algorithms in a digital world. By the time children leave us, we aim to give them the opportunity to experience and explore a range of technology and to think critically about what they encounter online.
We deliver the National Curriculum for Computing using a combination of computing lessons produced by Barefoot Computing including discrete sessions focusing upon E-Safety, and a cross-curricular approach to wider computing skills such as programming, data handling and animation.
Key Stage 1
In Cycle A and B, children learn about the subject of ownership, permissions and the use of digital resources, which are the basics of the ethical use of computers, including data literacy and cyber security. In both cycles, children learn that an algorithm is a precisely defined sequence of instructions or a set of rules for performing a specific task. Children will create a set of instructions to begin to understand what algorithms are. The children will use Scratch Jr. and Beebots to begin to programme and debug. In Cycle B, children will learn about jobs and the application of technology.
Lower Key Stage 2
In Cycle A , children see the classroom turned into a courtroom as they hear several cyber-crime court cases. Children take on the roles of judge, barristers and members of the jury as they determine whether the defendant has broken the law, the sentence they could receive and the impact on victims of their crimes. Children learn how to use search engines effectively to locate information. They continue to apply their new knowledge and skills to programme, debug and animate using Scratch JR.
In Cycle B, children are challenged by a cyber security expert, to develop their knowledge of cyber-crime. As a class, pupils think about how a criminal might try and discover the secret number on a physical combination padlock and write an algorithm for this. Children subsequently apply this to a digital context, by exploring a program which illustrates how cyber criminals might use computers to try and discover secret numbers, such as pins, or even passwords. In doing so, children learn about the use of variables and conditional loops in code, and how to create stronger, more secure pins and passwords. Children learn about networks and the role of connected devices on the school network. They continue to develop and apply their knowledge and skills to programme, debug and animate using Scratch JR and Kodu.
Upper Key Stage 2
In Cycle A, children learn about the terms and conditions of a variety of social media organisations, and reflect on the personal information which people consent to 'giving away' when they sign up to such websites. They review and develop previous learning about networks. The children learn that the internet is a vast network of computers and other devices connected across the world, as they explore the difference between the internet and the World Wide Web (WWW). They continue to develop and apply their knowledge and skills to programme, debug and animate using a range of programmes. Children will develop their practical computational skills in online research and modelling using spreadsheets.
In Cycle B, children play a number of mini games, with each focusing on a different aspect of phishing. They review and develop their understanding of search engines, they learn about some of the main factors which influence how a search engine ranks a web page. They continue to develop and apply their knowledge and skills to programme, debug, code and animate using a range of programmes including the use of PRIMM. Children will investigate inputs and outputs resulting in creating a sound monitor for the classroom and designing a game.