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Beenham Primary School

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Personal Development

Personal Development at Beenham Primary School



Personal development is both a subject and a school ethos. It is reflected in our school vision and in our school values. We want to each child to leave the school feeling confident, independent and ready for their next chapter in their education journey.

One of our aims is to teach our children how to move through life safely, happily and healthily, it is the duty of all the staff at school in partnership with the parents to teach the children transferable life skills which will enable them to succeed in this. We teach our children about the world around them, relationships, emotions, reproduction and health, as well as many other transferable skills to help with life. 



We teach personal development in a variety of different ways throughout their time with us.

  • It is taught in discrete lessons PSHE and RSE lessons.
  • It is taught with cross-curricular links in other lessons, such as English, Physical Education and Religious Education.
  • Our staff members consistently model how to be a good citizen who upholds the school and British values.
  •  Our Assemblies - Monday assemblies are based on our school values whilst Tuesday assemblies are themed but cover the British values
  • Every Friday we celebrate a minimum of 4 children who have demonstrated one of our learning values, we invite parents in to our Celebration Assembly.
  • We participate in Internet Safety Day and cover E-Safety lessons within our Computing curriculum.
  • We have a selection of Lunchtime and Afterschool Clubs which enable the children to participate in activities that they may not normally do.
  • We work with local Early Years Settings and our feeder Secondary schools to enable smooth and successful transitions.
  • We have trained children in Years 5 & 6 to become Mental Health Champions, they offer support to the wider school both in and outside of the classroom.
  • We have Wellbeing mornings/ afternoons each half term to promote the importance of good mental health.
  • From October 2022, our children will be participating in weekly sessions to achieve their Micro, Mini or Junior Duke Award.
  • We have a School Council with representatives voted in by their class.
  • We raise money for charities to help make a difference to others.
  • We celebrate different cultures, religions and languages through our daily school life.
  • We work with the local community in a variety of different ways throughout the school year.
  • Our Early Years and Key Stage 1 children participate in weekly Bushcraft lessons which teach them survival and outdoor skills.



